Frequently Asked Questions

Investor Relations


What is BioStem’s stock symbol?
Our stock is traded on the OTC Markets under the symbol BSEM.
When was BioStem incorporated?
BioStem was incorporated in Florida in 2009.
Where is BioStem located?
2836 Center Port Circle
Pompano Beach, FL 33064
When is BioStem’s fiscal year end?
December 31st
Who is BioStem’s transfer agent?
18 Lafayette Place
Woodmere, NY 11598
Who is BioStem’s independent auditor?
Marcum LLP
730 Third Ave
New York, NY 10017
Who is BioStem’s outside legal counsel?
Anthony L.G. PLLC
625 N Flagler Drive
Suite 600
West Palm Beach, FL 33401